Yamuna Tuscany WEbsection
Yamuna Elbow home agenda registration Tuscany Contact  


Arrive July 1 Check in, receive a tour of the property, a foot massage and soak to relax you after your long plane ride. You will then receive your information package, your first intake, and an individual assessment with one of the staff (either with Yamuna or one of her two experienced practitioners). This is the time to discuss your goals in order of priority so that your advisor can help you make sure you are staying on track throughout your entire time. You can spend the rest of the day relaxing at the beach or the pool, followed by an early dinner so that you are ready to begin your process the next morning.

July 2 – 8 Early morning meditation walks, breathing sessions followed by breakfast. A changing variety of group classes comes next.
Then comes lunch which will be followed by free time or a private session of your choice. Later in the afternoon there will be spa treatments for everyone at the beach. After Yamuna and her staff determine which of the clay treatments will best serve your desired goals you will be covered in healing clay preparations. Relaxing with the healing powers of the sun, sand and clay will then be followed by the private session of your choice followed by dinner and a deep sleep!

Departure July 9 Morning breakfast followed by a group gathering to share and discuss the amazing experience

© Copyright 2009 Yamuna Studio, Inc.